Friday, November 28, 2008


A winning math student is the one that carts away lots of math prizes at the end of every math session. These are the qualities of a winning math student. 1. Positive mindset: He believes in his abilities to succeed at all times. Failure does not cross his mind. 2. Goal setter: He sets not just goals but high goals. 3. Regular in class: He does not miss classes and is always punctual. 4. A good listener in class: He listens attentively to the teacher in class. does not allow distractions. 5. Asks questions: He is inquisitive. He asks questions and is always happy to receive answers 6. Makes good use of his textbooks. He uses his textbooks regularly for deeper studies. 7. Completes assignments/homeworks: Does his homework regularly. 8. Seeks help: He seeks help when necessary and is not afraid, shy or too proud to do that. 9. Prepares early for tests: He prepares early for examinations 10. Read ahead of the class.

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Golden rules for teaching math
Teaching and learning of math cannot improve without teachers changing their attitude towards the teaching of the subject. Listed below is the math teaching golden rules: 1. Be very friendly: Remember it is easy to teach a friend than teaching an enemy. Show your students that you are a friend and they will love to learn from you. 2. Be a giver: You should be ready to give your time, energy and even your belongings in the process of performing you duty. 3. Speak confidence into them: Always say the right words into the lives of your students. This motivates them for peak performance. 4 Make your class lively: You need a lively class to pass your math message across effectively to your students. 5. Use student-centered approach: Your math teachings will be very effective if you give the students enough room to operate in class. 6. Give regular homework: The more math problems they solve the better for them. Give them enough problems to solve during classes and after classes. 7.Give math projects: You are to give math practical work to students. This makes them to see math as a solution to real life problems. Practical works like the construction of number-line on planks, making of solid shapes with cartons and so on can be given to them. 8. Give pre- exam test: Test your students on what they have learnt prior to the main examination. Be humble: Don't let your students see you as a superman. Let them know you can also learn from them. 9. Let them assess you: You can allow your students to assess you at the end of the term. You can ask them to comment about you, the class, and some other things. They should not include their names on their comment paper.
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Sesan Oguntade has been a math teacher for years. Enjoy unlimited articles on education at

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Mathematics Articles: Math Study Habits secrets

Mathematics Articles: Math Study Habits secrets

Do you or your child find it difficult studying math effectively?

Do you continually have low grades in math?

Do you feel your performance needs to be improved upon?

If you answer YES to these questions, then this article is for you.

I have compiled math study habits secrets for you or your child.


If you don’t know where you are going, you will probably find yourself somewhere else. You can’t do everything at every point in time. It is advisable you do required things at every stage of your life.You are not expected to pick a text book and begin to learn how to differentiate or integrate a mathematical equation in your first year in secondary school. You are also not expected to waste most of your time solving problems on addition and subtraction of Directed numbers in your final year in secondary school.

There are things that are necessary for you to do at every point of your academic life. You can get to know what is required of you at every stage of your academic life through a detailed syllabus or the scheme of work.A student in an examination class (a student preparing for a final external examination) should get the detailed syllabus of the examination he intends to write. In the same vein, all students should have the terms’ scheme of work on the first page of their mathematics note books. If the teacher fails to give it to them, they should ask or request for it.It is not advisable for you to go into a personal study period without the syllabus / scheme of work by your side. I will state the advantages of working with the syllabus / scheme of work as mathematics students.

Firstly, the syllabus / scheme of work show you at a glance what you’re expected to know at every stage of your mathematics life in school. If you know this, you won’t waste your time doing what you’re not expected to do. Even though you will still end up doing it in future but you have succeeded in wasting your precious time on what you’ll not be examined on at that particular time. If after your first year in secondary school, you should have successfully completed ten topics, but you find yourself as a result of misinformation struggling with a topic that is to be offered in the third year, then you’ll have yourself to blame if you can’t master or have a good understanding of those ten topics.The syllabus / scheme of work present you the domain where you’re to reside at a point in time in your academic life. You may move out of this domain when you must have understood all the topics in your present domain.

Secondly, the syllabus / scheme of work give you the opportunity to look at a glance those topics that are given you problems and which you may require help. You’re to tick any topic that you have understood the concept and also that you can easily be examined on. You’re also required to note those you’re still struggling to grasp.Thirdly, the syllabus / scheme of work also help you to know your limit on any particular topic. When I say limit I mean areas you’re not supposed to touch under any particular topic. For example, a second year secondary/college student is not expected to go beyond the use of measuring instruments to find angles of elevation and depression. The calculation aspect of this will be done later. So a misinformed student would waste precious time looking for ways to calculate angles of elevation and depression instead of measuring them.

During my school days, I don’t toy with the idea of not working with my syllabus / scheme of work. It is always with me at the beginning of any personal study period. It is a useful tool which many students are not using presently.


At particular times in our lives we need the helping hands of somebody. This is applicable to everybody so it is not out of place for anybody to seek help from the right quarters.Help can come from your mates. You don’t have to be ashamed going to your mates for help. They are the closest to offer help. It is only when they cannot find solution to your problem, you can then pay a visit to your teacher – you may even consider getting the needed help from students in higher classes before you go to your teacher.

During my days in school, I feel comfortable seeking help / assistance from my mates. We’re familiar with each other and so we can help each other whenever the need arises. Today, I always instruct my students to seek help from their mates before coming to me. This way a lot of work must have been done in the process of solving a problem before coming to me.When it finally dawn on you that you can’t find a solution to your problem, go after your teacher immediately. Your teacher will be in a position to provide solution to the problem. You should not relent on your effort to solve the problem if the teacher turns you down or fix another appointment with you on your first visit, go to him/her again and again.

You may also go to other mathematics teachers in the school if you find it difficult getting the attention of your math teacher. Your major goal is to solve a problem, so you should be ready to go to any length to achieve your aim.You can also belong to a study group. You can get sufficient help from your study group. You must be sure people in your study group have like minds as yourself. They must be students you know are capable of helping whenever you need help. It is of no use belonging to a study group where most of the students are below average. At least in a study group of six for example, four of the students must be above average.

Help can also come from some other quarters like your brother, sister, your parent, a neighbor, the internet and so on.So my dear student, seek help today when you need one and avoid committing a great blunder on the day of the examination.

You can read more educational tips on my blog at

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Online Math Tutoring Works

Online Math Tutoring Works by David H. Urmann

Math tutorial can acts as an interactive internet learning tool, especially in helping an individual's effective mastery of math. It is an innovative approach that has been proven to be convenient and efficient.
Math tutorial refines the skills and visualizes mathematical concepts with greater understanding. The program offers animated lessons and worksheets in order to help learn math the conventional way. Tutorials maintain children's interest while leaving out the fear of computing. Online learning is also a reliable form of a parent's assistance in home schooling.
How it works
Online tutorial begins while planning the program and tackling about the skills needed by a person. A diagnostic test will determine the strength and learning styles of a person. The tutor will then customize a study program in order to match the student's learning capabilities.
They will create materials and instructions over the net. Learning skills will then move up into a higher level after every scheduled session. Hence, answering questions and giving explanations are most effective way of learning interaction.
A one-on-one chat with the use of instant messaging and interactive whiteboard can be used to support visuals for in-depth teaching, especially done by most online teachers. After each lesson, printable worksheets and computer-generated quizzes are answered so as to show how a person can easily understand the subject. Tutoring plans require a person to study at least several hours a week.
Online tutorials also offer mind boggling educational math games for kids. This is usually done after the formal study program. Game interactions with the use of computers, playing an important part in enhancing a child's logical thinking.
What to offer
Various sites offer free demos to interested individuals who want to avail of the tutorial. This would include the following:
• Educational resources • Fun teaching activities • Games • Online Solvers and Graphing tools • Metric Conversions • Lesson Plan Guide • Review notes to professionals. • Articles about Math and Education • Study Tips
An online Math tutorial offers the following:
• One-on-one tutorial sessions. • Focused attention in studying. • Interactive visuals and animations while learning. • Sense stimulation using computer screen, headset and digital writing pad. • Help in solving homework problems. • Support centers for reviews and references.
Most sites offer math resources that you can choose from. Here are a few:
• Addition and Subtraction • Place Value • Clock • Money • Multiplication and Division • Math Facts • Four Operations • Number Theory and Factoring
Middle and High level
• Geometry • Decimals • Percentage • Integers • Graphs, Statistics and Probability • Algebra, Trigonometry • Calculus
All Levels
• Problem Solving and projects • Logic Proof • Math History, Games • Reviews • Math Curricula
Finding a Credible Math Tutorial Company
Searching for the perfect math tutor usually takes time. Parents should be aware who owns or manages these companies. Professional educators must be capable enough to handle any given situation.
Make sure you take some time in scanning the site and checking how correct and updated their information is. Some of the online tutorials includes: SOS Math, World of Math, Tutorzilla, TCY, PREGED, MathPlayground, Teacher's Lab and many others.
At current, children can burden hating math and doing better in school because of math tutorials. Even various online sites can provide extra so as to help make studying more convenient and easy. Parents and children should also practice discipline and commitment, especially in maximizing the benefits of these tutorials. Most modern parents who work at home may even help their siblings and basically introduce them to the importance of high tech learning.
Math tutorial done online is more economical. You get to spend as much as $30 per hour as compared to having a private tutor. This can help your kids acquire better grades and to excel more in Math.

David H. Urmann