Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Basics of Electrostatics

The branch of science known as electrostatics is a complicated one. This isn't because it is extremely difficult for us to understand, but it can very complicated for us to explain. Of course it is possible to gain a good understanding of electrostatics through a proper study of the scientific principles behind it.
We encounter electrostatics on a day-to-day basis. For example, electrostatics is at work when you remove plastic wrap from a piece of food, and the plastic sticks to you. Electrostatics is also at play when you shock yourself on a door knob after walking across a room filled with carpet. Yet another example of electrostatics is when you rub a balloon over your hair. By holding the balloon close to your head afterward, your hair will stick up. All of these examples are a direct result of electrostatics, and there are many more.
The science involved in electrostatics, as stated before, can be quite complicated. That said, there are more basic explanations for electrostatic behaviors and principles. Electrostatics can be studied at many different ages and learning levels, and can be taught using very simple and basic concepts. Much of science and mathematics function this same way. There are always deeper and more elaborate explanations for things, but often times simple surface explanations and observations are the most effective. These surface explanations are what we discuss here.
Electrostatics is brought about when there is an exchange of charge on two or more different objects. In fact, these exchanges happen every time two objects touch one another. Many times you will only notice the exchange when one of the objects has a high resistance to electrical flow. This is due to the fact that when an object has a high resistance to electrical flow, the charge is going to be trapped in the object for a longer time. As the charge builds and builds, it will eventually have to get rid of the charge it is carrying. This either happens through a slow 'bleeding' of the charge into the ground, or through a large discharge, such as the electric shocks you experience when touching metal objects. This is essentially a large amount of energy leaping from one surface to another.
Some examples of science products used to demonstrate this phenomenon in a controlled environment are the Van De Graaff generator and Wimshurst Machine. The Van De Graaff generator produces the electric charge imbalance that was described in the previous paragraph. When this imbalance takes place, it becomes very easy to observe the electrostatic charge building up and transfer between surfaces. This can also be demonstrated by touching the storage sphere of a Van De Graaff generator. If you are standing on an insulated surface when you do this, your hair will stand on end. This effectively demonstrates electrostatic power and transfer. Science products like the Van De Graaff generator and Wimshurst Machine will come with very simple directions and include explanations for the different phenomena associated with each.
In conclusion, while the study of electrostatics can be quite complex, the fundamentals really are quite simple and easily explained. There are a variety of scientific products and supplies that will help students to attain a higher level of understanding about these electrostatic fundamentals.
About the Author

Find unique and innovative Science toys and Science Supplies for Physics and Physical Science. A wonderful resource for science teachers for teaching electrostatics, magnetism, electricity, force, motion, sound, light, color, waves, gas laws, alternative energy, pressure, fluid dynamics and elementary science. For details visit

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